Work Smarter, Not Harder: Vendor Advance Updates You’ll Love!

πŸ’ͺ Now available

What's New:

Get ready to experience a smoother, error-free vendor advance process with our latest enhancements! We've turbocharged the Vendor Advance module to save you time, reduce mistakes, and keep your finances in check. Here's what's new:

  1. Auto-Fill PO Amounts – Say Goodbye to Manual Entry!
    Selecting a Purchase Order? The system now auto-populates the Amount and Tax Group fields with the PO value. Less typing, fewer errors, and more efficiency!

  2. VA Amount Validation – No More Overpayments!
    Worried about advancing more than the PO value? Don’t be! The system now checks if the VA amount exceeds the PO total and throws up a warning if it does. Stay in control of your payments.

  3. Track Remaining Balances with Ease!
    Made a partial advance? No problem! The system now shows only the remaining unadvanced amount when you select the same PO again. Clear, concise, and always up-to-date.

    These updates are designed to make your vendor advance process faster, smarter, and hassle-free. Dive in and experience the difference today! πŸš€


2 months ago

Mauroof Aquib Bandagi changed status to πŸ’ͺ Now available

2 months ago

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