Exclusive: Send Emails with 100% Recipient Privacy!

πŸ’ͺ Now available

Your privacy just got a MAJOR upgrade! πŸš€ Introducing a groundbreaking feature that takes email confidentiality to the next level. Now, sending emails to multiple recipients is safer, smarter, and completely private.

Here’s the magic:
✨ Hidden Recipients: No one sees who else got the email – just their own address!
✨ Personalized & Professional: Each recipient feels like the email was sent just to them.
✨ Privacy Perfected: Say goodbye to accidental email leaks and hello to flawless communication.

How it works:

  1. Compose your email and add all recipients.

  2. Check "Send Individual Copy" β€“ it’s your privacy superhero!

  3. Skip the "CC" field (it’s old news anyway).

  4. Hit Send and watch the magic happen – individual, confidential emails delivered seamlessly!


With this game-changing feature, your communications are not just secure – they’re unstoppable. Protect your recipients’ privacy, build trust, and communicate like a pro! πŸ›‘οΈπŸ’»

Let’s make every email a fortress of privacy! πŸ”’


2 months ago

Mauroof Aquib Bandagi changed status to πŸ’ͺ Now available

2 months ago

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