Dynamic Stock Reservation: Optimizing Inventory for Sales Orders

💪 Now available

The Stock Reservation Module introduces a streamlined approach to reserving inventory for Sales Orders. By enabling both manual and automatic reservation options, the module ensures accurate visibility of available stock, minimizes over-commitments, and prevents stock-outs during critical operations.

This functionality is pivotal for businesses to maintain seamless order processing and inventory control, ultimately enhancing operational efficiency.

Key Features:-
Types of Stock Reservation

  1. Manual Reservation:
    Users can manually select and reserve stock for a Sales Order. This option provides flexibility and control when handling specific or priority orders.

  2. Automatic Reservation:
    The system intelligently reserves stock based on:

    • Inventory Location
    • Available Quantity (after accounting for existing reservations)
      This ensures that stock is allocated systematically, reducing the risk of errors and conflicts.

Post-Reservation Functionality

  • Once stock is reserved, all forms displaying Qty Available/In Hand will reflect the nett quantity (physical stock minus reserved stock).
  • Impact:
    • Prevents the sale, transfer, or delivery of items if there is no nett stock available.
    • Operations proceed without restrictions if sufficient nett stock remains after reservations.

Stock Reservation Management

  • Automatic Release for Canceled Sales Orders:
    If a Sales Order is canceled, the system will automatically release the stock reservation, making it available for other operations.
  • Manual Management:
    Users can manually reserve or unreserve stock directly from the Sales Order module, allowing flexibility to adapt to real-time changes.


  • Enhanced inventory visibility and control.
  • Reduced risk of over-committing stock.
  • Improved order fulfillment accuracy.
  • Scalability for future integration across modules.

This Stock Reservation Module lays the foundation for robust inventory management and is poised for further enhancements as business requirements grow.

Mauroof Aquib Bandagi

3 months ago

Mauroof Aquib Bandagi changed status to 💪 Now available

3 months ago

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